Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

"Diberkatilah orang yang mengandalkan TUHAN, yang menaruh harapnnya pada Tuhan."
                                        Yeremia 17:7                                                                    

this is how i learned.
bagaimana saya belajar mengandalkan Tuhan sepenuhnya dalam hidup saya.
mengalami kegagalan berkali-kali.
tapi dari setiap kegagalan , satu persatu kepingan kehendak Tuhan mulai tersusun. Menjadi sebuah puzzle, puzzel yang begitu besar. Puzzle itu adalah waktu kehidupan. Tidak perduli seberapa besar puzzle tersebut, saya menyerahkan sepenuhnya kedalam rencana Nya.

Kegagalan pasti dialami setiap kita, semua orang yang beruntung bisa menikmati karya-Nya di bumi ini.
Belajarlah dari sana, ambil semua yang kamu bisa.

Permata yang indah dihasilkan dari setiap gesekan panas yang harus ia lewati.

Ingatlah, Tuhan ga akan pernah memberi ular kepada anak Nya yang meminta roti.
Terus andalkan Tuhan. He loves you, He loves us.
God bless.


Why i interest in missionary doctor?

I was receiving Jesus as my Savior when I was just 4 years old. Since that, I and my mother pray about my future. I really want to become a missionary doctor since that day.
I live in a small village in West Borneo. When I was in elementary school, I have to go to my school by school bus for an hour. Every day when I passed through some villages, I saw lots of children walk to their school without any shoes even sandals; they walk using their own foot.  Surely, this situation describe their family life, I imagine how their parents works very hard to survive their life.  They parent have to works hard with minimum wages. They health life also in a bad habits, there is no one who wants to help them. In this bad health life situation, I really wish that I could help them to teach them how to manage good health life, keep the clean circumstances or help their sick family members.

I interested in medicine because of rural people. I love them so much. I really want to help them, to cure them, take care of them and telling them that there are still fraction people who cares about them. There are so many doctors in Indonesia with kind of differences backgrounds. Generally, the doctors became a doctor because they would like to cure sick people too, but doctors with missionary heart are rarely. We do not cure sick people, God do. But, I’m sure that God using doctor as a link. By the doctors’ hand, God wants to tell us that He is the only one who can cure people in their sickness, even the most difficult disease. I choose medicine because this job help lots of sick people using their own hand, not like the other job such as: engineer or musician. We can see the real condition in society.

I live in Palembang right now with my uncle’s family. They have a ministry, called “Yabes Ministry”. It is a ministry to help broken family. Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we go to suburb in Palembang. We meet lots of rural and broken family who wants to be healed. They are really hungry of God’s words. They love God so much. They are very brave to do self-sacrifice, leave their job as brick makers just to join Christian gathering. In that gathering, we worship God and involve in prayer, toughen each other. I love this Christian community so much. But, what about their health life? We cannot find the solution until now because there is no doctor in our ministry. This is one of my prayer, help them especially in health.

If I become a doctor, I will use it to provide good health care for the people of Indonesia in the future with all of my heart. I will help people as hard as I can. I really wish that God will be rejoiced through me, I want to cure people and also to tell them about Jesus. People have to know that Jesus is the only one who can save us from the hell by His death in the cross.

Why Medicine?

                Being a doctor means you interact with humans directly. It is different from other occupations such as engineer, technician or scientist. Furthermore, the doctor has a clear objective: to cure people.
I choose medicine as stepping stone for my career because health problems are still the most important. As we know, there are so many medical professionals in Indonesia but the fact, our country still faces many health problems. That’s the reason why I would like to be a doctor who do small little things but work effectively for the people who need it.
                I do believe that through the health department, especially medicine I could get closer to people. And when I get closer to them, it would be easier for me to socialize the information, knowledge, and health issues even teach them how to keep healthy lifestyle. Besides, I could also educate many important things for instance how to read, write, and also to share about the Savior for their life.

                Nowadays, there are lots of the priest come into the villages to do evangelism. Rural communities still consider that the priest not only service about the Bible but also cure them. They would come together to the priest. That is not such a wrong opinion, but the priest is not a medical professional. Priests have no idea about the treatment they have to do to cure kinds of diseases. They do not have medical back ground. Finally, priest can only pray for them without doing medical treatment of course. I see that as my opportunity to make little movement where a doctor can either cure people or pray for them. One think I will do for sure is how to educate them about living healthy life style for a better life.

                In addition, not everybody knows that being a doctor is not such an easy job as what they think. Common people see it as a luxurious job. In fact, it needs effort, challenges and knowledge. You even cannot hope much for the salary. A lot of doctor’s candidates still worry about their future life; how to fulfill their needs or their family. So, that’s why many people give up being a missionary doctor. In this case, I would like to share that my true intention is about serving others with all I have. I ever thought about this case, about my future also, sometimes I feel worried with the mission, but I do believe when I service without a condition, God will bless me.
                That’s why I am totally willing to become a doctor. A doctor who has heart about missionary. I would love to get involved to rural communities especially the poor. When they come to me, I will do my best as either a doctor or the priest. Having a dream to be a doctor is like an amazing gift that God has given in my heart. I will give my best to reach my ambition.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

i wonder some how..
                                    how life could be. 
                                    will it become good?
                                    or will it be worse?                              

and when i think about worse things, i started feels like i can't do anything.  even, going outside isn't in my daily schedule.

beating with my own mind, its really...tiring.

"But today if i loose my hope,
please tel me that Your plans are better than mine."

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Perahu Kertas

Perahu kertas ku kan melaju
membawa surat cinta bagimu
kata-kata yang sedikit gila
tapi ini adanya

Perahu kertas mengingatkan ku
betapa ajaib hidup ini
mencari-cari tambatan hati
kau sahabatku sendiri

Hidupkan lagi mimpi-mimpi , cita-cita
yang lama ku pendam sendiri

berdua ku bisa percaya

Ku bahagia kau telah terlahir di dunia
dan kau ada di antara milyaran manusia
dan ku bisa dengan radar ku menemukan mu

Tiada lagi yang mampu berdiri
halangi rasa ku, cinta ku pada mu