begitu rindu untuk share hal ini ke tmn2,
thanks buat ka Ida yg kirim kata2 indah ini waktu aku merasa minder dgn diriku sendiri,merasa kecil dan bgitu ga berarti. i was really in tears.
love you so!
keanggunan seorang wanita
tidaklah terletak pada caranya berjalan;
caranya duduk ato berdiri;
bahkan tidak juga pada bagaimana caranya dy makan--
TETAPI keanggunan wanita yg sejati akan tampak pada
ketulusannya dalam berbelaskasihan;
kelemahlembutannya ketika menghadapi pertentangan;
dan kerendahanhatinya saat melihat kenyataan tak seperti harapannya--
keanggunan dan ketenangan sejati didapat hanya-dan HANYA-dari lutut yg bertelut dihadapan TUHAN....
chayooo dek... :)
Cintailah dirimu..dirimu..dirimu sendiri terlebih dahulu..
terimalah dirimu..dirimu..apa adanya TUHAN menciptakanmu..
dan kemudian,, belajarlah dariNYA..
bahwa DIA melihat km baik..dan mencintaiMU..
terimalah cintaNYA dalam hatimu dan izinkanlah DIA menerangi langkahmu selanjutnya..!!
tetap semangat ya dek...!!
spesial buat dek Ia:
yg rindu jd wanita yg anggun dan tenang--
km akan dapatkan itu sepaket dgn relasimu yg dekat dgn NYA,, percaya deyh...!!! ;)
juga buat adek2 kyu yg terkasih d Serukam..kalian cantik dan berharga,, berbahagialah..!!
luph u all,, n miss u much..!
*muach*..huge love n pray buat Xan..chayooo!! chayoooo!!
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Our ABBA Father Won't Lie
All things are possible for HIM. GOD will make a way for us.
This came to my mind ...
CHRIST will always make a way for us when there is no way out. Don't look at the natural circumstances. HE is above your circumstances. Read the following promises HE has for us.
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
" Jeremiah 32:27
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
" ...I will never turn away anyone who comes to me." John 6:37
Pray and present your request to Him according to Philippians 4:6,7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" Hebrews 4:16
If we have present our requests to our LORD,rest assured that we have HIS answers according to HIS promises.
Numbers 23:19: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
1 Samuel 15:29: “And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent. For He is not a man, that He should relent.
CHRIST will make a way for us when there seem to be no way ^^
This came to my mind ...
CHRIST will always make a way for us when there is no way out. Don't look at the natural circumstances. HE is above your circumstances. Read the following promises HE has for us.
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
" Jeremiah 32:27
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
" ...I will never turn away anyone who comes to me." John 6:37
Pray and present your request to Him according to Philippians 4:6,7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" Hebrews 4:16
If we have present our requests to our LORD,rest assured that we have HIS answers according to HIS promises.
Numbers 23:19: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
1 Samuel 15:29: “And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor relent. For He is not a man, that He should relent.
CHRIST will make a way for us when there seem to be no way ^^
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